##add info on kde sound issues ##fix broken submission question (question added to faq3.php3f, but not to the corresponding file, faq3-play.php3f, I think) ##add Game Interface and Display section to match with new RT2 faq. Q: ---- Comment by: pikus@iname.com at 01/16/2000 23:26:53 ---- CivCTP 1.2 has this annoying feature: once started, it grabs mouse, AND it manages to grab the active page of the window manager (FVWM2): when I move from desk to desk (Ctrl-arrows switch desks), I still see CivCTP. If I quit CivCTP, I see that I actually moved to new desk (so FVWM got its keypresses), but CivCTP had focus and was active window at all times. As far as I can see, there is no way to take focus away from CivCTP now. A: You can use the "--windowed" command line option to start the game in windowed mode, and you can use ALT-Enter to toggle between windowed and fullscreen mode. --